Monday, May 30, 2005

MANners - A guide to bad manners!

After a lot of research, the great one is providing you average men with a list of things to you may smarten up and know how to behave better!

1 - In the loo, chaps, it’s eyes up at all times — unless you’re next to a celebrity, when a quick glance is OK. Whistling is fine at the urinal and washbasin but not in the cubicle — and you can sing when washing, but at no other time.

2 - How to behave IN THE NUDE — don’t use a towel like a two-handed saw between your legs in the gym changing room.

3 - In buses, give up your seat to pregnant women and old ladies — but only if they are not tourists.

4 - HUGS and KISSES between males are acceptable, but only in the family — and HANDSHAKES should be firm.

5 - At the disco, older guys should stroll on to the dancefloor, not rush, and stick to their era. Funny dancing isn’t funny and mouthing lyrics is as bad as playing air guitar.

Just follow these simple rules and see the world become a better place...

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