Sunday, January 08, 2006

Friday I'm in love with you.

Ahh, another few weeks of flying, more experiences, parties, of the flights i did recently was to Haj, though everyone will probably know Mecca is the most pious and religious of places of visit for muslims. Any Muslim who can afford has to make atleast one visit to Mecca, and this made me salute the passengers on the flight, clearly there were a lot of people in this flight who have never been on an airplane, and cost of the total journey is steep and yet these people save up everything they have to make the trip.
Apart from that this week also happened to me my mothers 1st death anniversary ceremony or whatever you call it, and when I think of all that my mother must have done for me at every stage of my life and how I now will never be able to make up for it kinda saddens me....
I am thinking of buying me a laptop, so if there is someone who accidentally bumps into my blog and can offer me a suggestion, I'd appreciate that...
Nothing else really, I am not in the best of moods now and I might publish a few of my pics if I feel they are worthy to look at.